Justin Hauner and his friend, Ben Fucik, were in a hurry. Their flight home from San Diego, California, to Appleton, Wisconsin, was taking off soon, and they had to get to the airport in time.
However, Hauner had a change in plans that had them in a race against the clock: He had to ship the collectibles he had purchased on his trip back to Wisconsin.
"I had so much stuff that I bought that I didn't have enough room to get into my luggage," he said.
If you haven't heard, there's this little shindig in a lush seaside town featuring a mass convergence of fans of the pop culture over the next 5 days. Galactic Hunter will be there with new armor, new paint, and we hope a better engine beginning this evening for Preview Night.
Gentle Giant has a lot planned for Comic-Con featuring plenty of the expected activity in their booth and a couple of nostalgic/vintage awesome Star Wars exclusives!
Gentle Giant announces new products for late 2010, including a fantastic Cad Bane maquette, Momaw Nadon minibust, and a StarWarsShop exclusive Shae Vizla maquette!
Good news, everyone! The Clone Wars Season 2 hits both DVD and Blu-Ray on October 26 of this year. You can click the links to pre-order them at Amazon right now, which would be a downright neighborly thing to do.
eBay seller Tunghori strikes again with another first-look, this time an animated Senate Commando figure named Captain Jayfon. He's blue, has a cool helmet, and will probably be officially announced in the next 72 hours. Unpackaged samples are selling for $6.99 if waiting is not your bag. Check it out.
It's one of the best animated Anakin Skywalker figures money can buy. It has a STAP, knee joints, and a cloth bit so he can actually sit down. Why wouldn't you buy two? Read on!
Kul Teska is a Toys "R" Us exclusive figure which, surprisingly, just showed up. We found a sample at Toys "R" Us in Phoenix, AZ for $14.99 and snapped some quick and ugly photos.
Notice something different? Yeah, we did, too. It seems that not even the venerable GalacticHunter.com can escape the changing times, and it's suddenly all bright and shiny and stuff! Read this if you want to know what's in store for GH for Comic-Con and beyond. (Note: If you want to keep up on the site changes, watch the New Site tag.)
The latest Hasbro print ad features the "do these really exist?" Expanded Universe Wave exclusive, or should we say elusive to Toys R Us. The wave includes parts to build BG-J38.
The latest newsletter from our sponsors at TOY PALACE!
HASBRO Star Wars News: Next week we should be getting the first wave of the new "The Vintage Collection". Please note that in 2010 we will sell all new basic figure in cases (factory sealed) only.
Here is a quick update from http://www.bigbadtoystore.com about another great round of new arrivals and more awesome new preorders!
Brand new Star Wars figures are here! The much anticipated Vintage-Style figures are now available for sale along with the new Clone Wars figure wave. Don't forget about the AT-AT vehicle, finally back in production! Also, new G.I. Joe vehicles are here with the Resolute packs soon to follow! For more great stuff, check out the Brian's Toys newsletter at: http://www.brianstoys.com/store/custom.aspx?id=12
Dark Horse releases some exciting new titles in October with a new Blood Ties installment featuring Jango and Boba together again. Aayla braves a new mission in the latest Clone Wars adventure. Also meet a new kind of Jedi for a new kind of Star Wars in the first installment of Knight Errant!