My pal who I will call Juan Nonymous sent along sample shots of the Jabba's Rancor Pit gift set Jabba the Hutt in comparison with the 2010 model from Walmart. This new-for-2015 version is a 100% new mold with new deco, meaning it is... say it with me...
"Just different enough to make you mad." Well, not Jabba, Jabba's new and interesting. The rest of the set is as interesting as your collection isn't - it's great stuff if you don't got it yet. This set will be sold at the Entertainment Earth Booth at Comic-Con next week, on Toys R, and probably retail stores too. Want to see more images of this 3 3/4-inch scale slug? Keep reading.
So similar to the 6" scale version
It looks like they took the (presumably) digital model for the 6" version, tweaked it a bit and scaled it down. So many of the creases match exactly. It looks quite good - probably the best version at this scale in the modern line. It would be nice if it were released as a standalone someday, but I won't hold my breath.