I'm on Bluesky. It got really popular in the last couple of weeks, so I am posting a few fun things there - like this! And yes there's a typo in it, Bluesky does not yet have an edit function.
What you're looking at is The Vintage Collection The Armorer’s Forge Playset populated by some 2022 and 2023 The Retro Collection figures from The Mandalorian. The playset got some criticism for being unpainted and old-looking - which my brain immediately read and thought "Oh so like a Kenner playset?" It even has a little cabinet that opens with sticker detail inside. The actual toy does not light up.
I use a Bower Clip-on Snap Light that I got at Walmart for some of my toy photography, and by sliding that underneath the playset, I got some nice light effects. There's no shortage of cheap LED lighting solutions at any store these days. Thank your neighborhood streamers for that gold rush - and as you can see, it looks pretty good. I'd recommend the playset to any old Kenner kid who had some of those old MicroCollection or 3 3/4-inch Hoth playsets - it has the same relatively simple vibe and it's pretty appealing. If I wanted something with lots of moving parts and painted detail for The Vintage Collection, this Forge might come up a little short. But with Kenner expectations, you might love it.