The Hasbro Star Wars Fanstream for January 2025 is live and it's... a lot more of the same stuff you may already own, but slightly different. There were new reveals for The Vintage Collection and The Black Series, but nothing for The Retro Collection or Epic Hero Series at this time.
So for those of you who don't want to spend 31:08 watching a video, what's new?
The Black Series adds Captain Rex (Phase I) and Anakin Skywalker from Ahsoka in their The Clone Wars outfits. You may own cartoon-inspired live-action versions of these figures from the past few years, but Rex is on a new Clone body this time, and Anakin has a face modeled after the show.
New reveals with never-before-made characters: 0
New reveals with never-before-made costumes: 0
New versions of existing characters in existing costumes: 2
The Vintage Collection adds Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati for the first time - neither with cloaks as of yet. Other figures shown include a new Clone Trooper (501st Legion) and Mandalorian Super Commando, both of which have existing and very similar action figures which you may already own in your collection one or more times over. Also added is a Battle Droids gift set with retooled legs and an OOM-9 deco droid, optimized for better on-shelf standing.
New reveals with never-before-made characters: 2
New reveals with never-before-made costumes: 2
New versions of existing characters in existing costumes: 2 + 2 (if you count the droids as 2 distinct figures) = 4
Shin Hati and Baylan Skoll were previously released in the 6-inch The Black Series line, so those wanting them in the 3 3/4-inch size should be pretty thrilled to finally get them here. I don't know if variants with cloaks are coming down the road or not, as we saw for the 6-inch figures. They look great! Everything else has a "close enough" equivalent on the market already, but since some were pretty tough to come by (like The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker at Target a few years ago) you may want to pounce on these when pre-orders go live tomorrow.