New Instructions For Slave 1/Starfighter and Hyena Bomber @ Hasbro

By Adam May — Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Some new instruction manuals popped up over at for The Rise of Boba Fett (Featuring Slave 1 and the OG BMF, Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter). If you're still "on the hunt" for the Fett Set, this might give you a bit of a fix. (There's no telling when the Hyena Bomber is due out, but it's cool to see how it works all the same.) Toy nerds - including this writer - may hate stickers, but instruction sheets are very cool! Check 'em out!The Rise of Boba Fett (Featuring Slave 1 and Mace Windu's Jedi Starfighter) is here.

The Confederacy's Droid Hyena Bomber is here.

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