The "guts" of this sculpt was from the Sith Evolutions figure from 2005, which Hasbro retooled along with a new headsculpt for The 30th Anniversary Collection in 2008. Now that The Vintage Collection figure is considered the frontrunner, this SL version, with its limited arm articulation but not too bad a head sculpt, is relegated to secondary Battle Pack filler status. You know, for the kids.
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Appearance: Revenge of the Sith
Sequence: SL11
Asst. 21386/21115
Includes: Lightsaber, "secret" weapons assortment (DC-15 Blaster, DC-15 Blaster Rifle, DC-17 Blaster, Droid Blaster, EMP Launcher, Blaster Rifle) figure stand, character card, Galactic Battle Game die.
Feature: includes Secret Weapons!
Retail: $6.99 to $7.49
Released: June 2010
Previous Release: 30th Anniversary Collection 08-02 (2008)
Bio: Now a Sith apprentice, Vader rejects Obi-Wan's pleas to turn away from the dark side. Instead, he attacks Kenobi in a devastating lightsaber duel on Mustafar. Destruction is Vader's only thought, but in the end, he is the one who lies near death on the black sand shores. [MORE IMAGES]