Image Bank: CW34 Undead Geonosian

By Mike — Saturday, November 20, 2010

MMMM…BRAINS! This Season 2 storyline about zombie Geonosian Warriors had that sci-fi horror twist to it and “jumping the shark” potential, but it somehow worked. With removable wings and body parts, the figure has nice pose and play ability, but the cool factor would have been upped a notch if Hasbro somehow could have included a brain worm accessory.

One interesting observation by looking at the GBG card is that the Geonosian has an intelligence of +7. We guess that makes them smarter than your average undead.

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The Clone Wars (Season 2)
Sequence: CW34
Asst. 25274/94736
Includes: Sonic blaster, removable limbs and wings figure stand, character card, Galactic Battle Game die.
Feature: Pop out arms and legs!
Retail: $6.99 to $7.49
Released: November 2010

Bio:  Undead Geonosian warriors lurk in a vast underground hive. They are under the control of their queen, Karina the Great, who uses a green worm to bring dead Geonosians to life. Obi-Wan, Anakin and a squad of clone troopers battle these mindless zombies to rescue Luminara Unduli from her Geonosian captors. [MORE IMAGES]