Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,171: Darth Maul (Deluxe, Cyborg, Epic Hero Series)

By Adam Pawlus — Thursday, September 12, 2024

Via the Star Wars Galactic Hunter Figure of the Day Blog: Darth Maul (Deluxe, Cyborg, Epic Hero Series). This Walmart exclusive is an inexplicable $20, and is awesome as it is confounding on so many levels. They retooled the figure's robe skirt to be shorter, but merely painted on the belt buckley parts. There's a clip-on piece of chest armor and a cool spinning lightsaber blade swirl, but these accessories can't possibly justify the $12 upcharge over a basic figure. Having said that, it's so weird, and so funky, that I would highly recommend it on sale or if we find out the price was some sort of clerical error that will be fixed at some point. It's well-made, but so strange in where the budget went and considering Walmart has a figure 2-pack while Amazon has a figure 3-pack for the same price, it's a mystery for the ages. Read on!