HasLab: The Vintage Collection Cantina Hits Two Stretch Goals with Greedo and Nabrun Leids

By Adam Pawlus — Monday, July 8, 2024

And with 12 minutes to go, one last update: Nabrun Leids made it! Color me surprised, that's great news.

Another evening update:  With an 1:07 to go, the Cantina needs to sell 600 units in order to hit the Nabrun Leids goal - not impossible if it keeps going at the current rate and a few more large orders are there.

Evening update: With 1:45 and 952 playsets to go to hit Nabrun Leids, it seems unlikely but not impossible to hit the next stretch goal.  If you're waiting, now is the time - they need to sell about 9 per minute to make it.

Hasbro's Cantina HasLab project just hit the first stretch goal with 11 hours remaining, unless they decide to extend the funding period. (There would be no shame in doing this.) This is the first all-new Greedo in this size in over a decade, but long-haul collectors no doubt have several different incarnations at this point including up to three that were perfectly designed to sit at a table.

With 11 hours to go, it's worth noting that the Cantina seems to not sell much faster than 1 unit per minute. With 660 minutes to go, it is unlikely it will hit another milestone today without massive dealer support, but even then if they sell 5 units per minute it will only get us to Nabrun Leids. Nabrun Leids was previously sold at the end of the POTF2 era and recolored in silver in 2007 as a Walmart exclusive - so at least you've got the ability to buy one. Arleil Schous has never been made as a figure and, presumably, never will be if this doesn't go through today. The funding period ends at midnight Eastern/9:00 PM Pacific.